Online or Offline! it's not a choice!

So, what do you think about buying from the e-commerce sites and our old shopping techniques? What is better and why? All you need to know about these two types of distinct yet same art is only here.

This is my first off topic article in my blog. I mean that this topic is not my blog's central topic at all. So I will call it a featured article. From now, I will keep posting such article. So, let's move ahead.
As the title of the post says- it's all about shopping. I will try to illustrate these two in my blog in simple English. First, I will take the Online Shopping.

What are the benefits in online shopping?

1) One of the main benefits in shopping done at e-commerce sites will be the freedom and flexibility that you got while viewing the product. You can shop 24x7 and it is not necessary that company put night watchman to serve your needs, all you need is a good ISP.

2) You can return if you don't like the product, well it can be done also in the usual way of shopping. But in online shopping - return of an ordered things becomes easier. You don't have to argue with the merchants; all you need to do is some mouse clicks.

3) You can find same thing at different price in the vast internet's e-commerce universe. By this you can save money. For comparing prices of a product among various e-commerce sites, you can always comparison sites like Junglee.

4) Coupons, discounts are the shadows in online shopping. You do shopping and they will never leave you. By using these you will always make a great deal. There are some special occasions too where you got gigantic amount of discounts in famous e-commerce sites. In 2014, Flipkart's Big Billion Day didn't satisfy many but still a great deal especially if you got 16GB SanDisk pen drive at just 1 damn buck.

So, these are the features that e-commerce sites can always boast of and they will!
In my next part I will let you know about the usual way i.e. offline shopping. So you want to know about the unique features of offline shopping. So, let's begin it.

What are the benefits in offline shopping?

1) The main benefit in the offline shopping is that you can buy things without paying the money. But hey, make sure that the seller accepts it i.e. Credit.  LOL, Isn't it a great! :-D

2) You review it live. In the traditional way of shopping you don't hear what dealer or merchant says to you about the product! You just look at the product and make an own review on it. J

3) No need to pay extra Internet's bill. Well, you can then use the bucks for Facebook or Torrentz or in whatever you want to!

So let's begin the final battle.

Who is better?..... Online Shopping or Offline Shopping.

I will not say that this is better than this rather I will differentiate in between them in this section.

1) Reliability: Some days ago one man ordered a Samsung smartphone from a well-known e-commerce site and you won't believe what he got. He got a Vim Bar soap inside the Samsung mobile phone's box, a big LOL this time!
Later the site had refunded the full amount to the user. The user is so lucky that he got his mobile from Unilever Corporation who is responsible to manufacture Vim Bar soap. Click here to know more about this incident.
So in terms of reliability: online shocks, offline rocks.
Points:  Online-5     Offline-10

2) Offline is good for urgent purposes. You don't need an explanation for this, Right! Do you?
Points: Online-0            Offline-10

3) If you are using internet in a budget phone. Then the online buying is really going to kick you. Maximum E-commerce site doesn't support mobile platform, they must improve the mobile sites so that basic internet users got the opportunity to enjoy the online shopping.

Points:  null.
Total points of Online Shopping - 5
Total points of Offline Shopping – 20

It sounds weird but indeed it’s true. By these I do not mean that you should not buy online! You will always enjoy the both. No matter where you are and who you are, unless you are on the Space! J


It doesn't really matter what way you approach to buy desired product as long as you are satisfied with the product. But for good deals you can always check out the internet shopping unless you urgently need a product. As per me, online shopping is just an evolution of the shopping. Online and offline shopping must be considered as brothers. Don't you think so!

I am looking forward to hear from you guys. Show your love by commenting and always keep in mind that sharing is caring. If you like the post, then share it to the world.

Thanks for your support to the post. Keep visiting Computz.   


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