5 Ways to avoid Facebook or any Social Networks

These days the internet is flooded with the social networks. They are ubiquitous. Some likes it, some doesn’t. It depends upon the person who is or going to use these services. It is true that they are time consuming whether you think or not. A recent study showed that more than 95% of teenager of ages 12-17 uses them worldwide. The Social networks not only consuming their invaluable time but also interfere with their thoughts though this is a debate. We are here to present five ways to avoid the social networks. Read them and follow in your digital life.

1) Deactivate the account: Deactivate your account from the social network you use if possible. It not only helps to keep you away from it but also others can’t find you in the network and you can be busy in other works.

     2) Socialise the Password: By socialise don't mean to share your passwords in the Internet, rather I mean to share the password with your closed one like parents, sister or brother, or any close friend. Then you need to ask him/her to change the password without your notice for some days until your priority jobs are done. This will really help you. After that you're hardly to be going to use the social networks. Make sure they are closed enough to give the password back to you!

     3) Change the password: Looks little confusing, doesn't it? Open the social network and browse to the password change option, type current password, close your eyes and type anything in the new password box. This will change the password to some random one. Then sign out of it, now you can’t open your account! Make sure that you have the password recovery email address. Later you can restore the password using this.

     4) Use limiting software: There are various software which can help you to limit the usage of the Internet, ranging from paid to open-sourced. Quick Heal antivirus is good to consider. Such software doesn’t only limit the usage but also helps in saving some bucks as now-a-days the ISP rates are very high unless you're a big daddy’s son.

5) Delete the account: So, you think that the social networks are time consuming and are interfering with your valuable work time. If you’re sure enough then browse to the account deletion section in the social network’s website. You may like to backup the data of your account. Read here how to back-up your account. Then delete the account completely, different websites have different policies. Some doesn't delete the account instantaneously for example; Facebook gives its users 30 day time period to recover the account. You can get back your account in this time.

I hope you liked this article. Remember one thing; the social networks are designed to help you in daily life; not to interfere with your life! Share the articles because Sharing is Caring. Thank you for your consideration a little time for this. I will be back with another mind boggling article.


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